Show me your ways
This time
'Cause yours might work better than mine
Let's try your way
That's fine
(Life Raj, Kehlani)
We are all doing our best, we are doing it everyday, we are doing it the good days and the not so good days, we are dong it at night and during the day, when it rains or the sun shines.
Llet us be compassionate with ourselves and with others, we have never done this.
We are all working to be the best we can be, and whatever we are, it is enough, it is sufficient, we are perfect the way we are.
It may be unnerving at times, mostly when we let our minds remind ourselves that we are still living in duality.
All the judgement, from ourselves and from others, upon ourselves and upon others.
All the rightfullness and stubborness from ourselves and from others, that requires us telling others how right we are, what they must do and imposing our own ways upon them, as well as we simoultaneously deal with those imposing their own ways upon ourselves.
That is what we are here for, so let us avoid getting caught into all this, let all this pass through, while holding the space to allow all this to manifest.
No need to have faith now, it is now time to trust, surrender, and trust again.
Everything is happening in perfection.
Trust, and surrender to what is.
Let us allow each one of us do this our own way, there is no right way, there is no wrong way; all ways get us where we are going, the only way is to do it your way.
To support each other in this new dawn, let us join around the fire again to share our experiences, reminding ourselves that each one is living its own unique and personal experience, let us live our own experience to find our own way of shifting, expanding, healing, remembering, transforming, metamorphosing.
Let us all meet on the other side, shifted, expanded, healed, transformed and metamorphosed.
Walk your own path, at your own pace, in your own way.
It is time to open our collective scars, digging into our darkest corners.
Is it time to feel all that pain.
It is time to acknowledge how much it has hurt all those before us, acknowledge how we are far from having made it better, acknowledging all as it is.
No need to do anything, just open our hearts and embrace it all.
Acknowledging without judging, without making any effort to make things better, because we can't, without trying to fix anything, because we won't, just acknowledge everything as it is, and while we are at it, speak your truth or listen that of others.
Speak your truth if you have something to say about yourself, this is not the time to speak about anyone else, time to speak about ourselves.
If we want and need to speak, it is time to speak-up and express ourselves.
Please do share what you have lived, share your experiences and let them go; share your pain, share your suffering and let them go; share your grief, share your fears, and let them go.
We are here to create the space required for our voices to be heard, we are here to listen, to embrace, to absorb, to contain. We are here to be love, to love everything you are, as it is, recognise me in you. We are all one.
Find your way, show us your way.
We will continue following our way and will be honoured to walk with you and support you through your path, in your own way.
We are all going to the same place. We are all walking each other home. All paths lead to love.
We are all one.
We believe, and so it is
Yo lo Creo