Never stop wondering.
Never stop wandering.

This time without time makes me wonder.
And I wonder what it is I am wondering about.
Listening to my intuition within my inner self.
Paying attention to my heart.
Ceasing to listen to those that tell me what to do.
Learning from my own experience.
Trusting the process.
Letting the wonders come and go.
And while I am at it.
Letting myself wander and be wondered.
Wonder about all that is.
Wondering about it all.
There are mysteries.
And there is perfection.
Cannot distinguish one
from the other.
Mysteries remain as such.
Perfection is all around us.
And here I am wondering.
Deciphering the mysteries.
Observing the signs.
Experiencing it all.
Letting myself be wondered.
With the perfection.
All the questions.
These epoch.
All that was.
All that is.
I wonder and ask myself.
Questions without answers.
The more I hear from others.
The less they all make sense.
I can only listen to silence.
It is the only one that knows what to say.
Time to integrate.
Patience to understand.
Nothing is as it seems.
No one knows.
These are new times.
Everything is anew.
No one has experienced it.
No one has yet.
And yet here we are.
Experiencing it anew.
Freshly from the oven.
Learning from our own experience.
Quieting our minds.
Appeasing our hearts.
We cannot know.
Otherwise, we would not be wondered.
We want more wonder.
Keep being surprised.
We will remember.
But never cease to be wondered.
Yo lo Creo/
I believe so, and so it is