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  • Writer's pictureYHT


Updated: Apr 14, 2021

We seek outside the wonders we carry inside us.


I wonder and keep wondering.

What a wonderful thing to do.



I do wonder.

Everything keeps me wondering.

Every wonder makes me wonder.

The less I know, the more I wonder.

The more I think I know, the less I wonder.

The more I wonder, the more experience I have wondering.

Experiencing is the path to all kind of wonders.

Do you know or do you wonder?

If you are certain, then why wonder?

If you wonder, there is a possibility that you are not certain.

If you are not certain, there is room to wonder.

Do you wonder what am I talking about?

If you want to see the most precious wonders, start to wonder.

And when you start to wonder, you find yourself.

And then, your inner self.

To find that everything is full of wonder.

We do not know what these wonders may be.

We just wonder.

And here we come again.

To the times of wonder.


I believe and so it is/

Yo lo Creo


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