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  • Writer's pictureMY HaySar


On the path of Love, we are neither masters nor the owners of our lives.

We are only a brush in the hand of the Master Painter.


Open up,

let love in,

meet the infinite inside of you.

Our essence


integrates it all.


The path of Love


to the vibratory frequency of unconditional Love

The path of Love


our self

from within

with the whole universe.

The path of Love


the self

to become one,

to become whole.

The path of Love

is open to all.

The path of Love

turns us into a chalice.

The path of Love

is an alchemic process

conciliating opposites,

bringing Light

to darkness.

The path of Love

does not exclude anything

nor anyone,

includes it all

and everyone.

The path of Love

integrates it all

from within.

The path of Love

is neither exclusionary

nor exclusive.

The path of Love

is of all,

for all.

The path of Love

is unconditional.

There is no path,

but the path of Love.

We are all in the path of Love.

We are all one.

There is no other path.

All the roads

lead to Love.

Be Love

from within.

Be Love

from without.

Be your own self.

Be Love.

Yo lo Creo/

I believe so, and so it is


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