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Who is in Control?

Writer: MY HaySarMY HaySar

Updated: May 13, 2020

The fruit of the Spirit is ... self-control.

(Watchman Nee)

Are you the master of your fate or have you conceded that role to someone else?

Have you given yourself permission to be the greatest you can be or have you settled for less than that?

Are you afraid to find out all that you can be?

Do you have the courage to find out?

Do you fear to be all that you can ever be?

If you happen not being right now on the driver's seat, that means someone else is driving. Do you know where they are going? Are you sure they will get you where you want to be?

We are experiencing that each one of us is capable by itself of profound transformation and spontaneous cooperation in service of a shared purpose. We are remembering. We are taking back control again of our own lives.

Have we taken due care of our bodies? Our immune system is prepared to cope with the viruses, bacteria and parasites with whom we must learn to coexist and cohabit?

Live is not about destroying, reacting, conquering or fighting, but more about adapting, sharing, observing and collaborating. In the first scenario, we may end up winning or losing, in the second, we all win.

There is so much noise out there, we are having troubles listening to our own heart. It is impossible to distinguish what is true and what is not, what is information and what is misinformation, the news from the fake news. Those that say they know, do not know anything, the more people talk, the less likely they know what they are saying. There is plenty of knowledge but all of it lacks any wisdom.

It is time to trust our gut feeling, our intuition, our inner wisdom, our spirit. They may want to tell us what we have to do, but we already know what we have to do. We know what we feel comfortable doing. We know what is right and what is wrong. Shut your mind and listen to your heart, it knows, it's just a matter of trust.

In case you are in the driver's seat, who is driving? Is it your mind or your heart? Are you in survival mode or in mindful mode? Are you creating or are you obeying? Are you reacting or have self-control on your emotions?

It is time to take back control of our lives, with self-control we determine our own fate, we take back control of our right to self-determination, to do what is right, not what must be done because that is the way it has always been done, we cease to unconsciously react and decide how we consciously act .

The self-determination of our communities begins within ourselves with our self-control, to expand it to our other selves and partners, our families, community, society, and fellow human beings. It all begins with ourselves.

To change the system that currently controls us, what we do, and how we live, we must take under our own responsibility to develop new systems that reflect our values, the values that we truly believe in and those we want to live by.

We must reclaim control over ourselves to ensure our survival, without depending on no one else to thrive.

We must free ourselves from any dependency of our basic needs, and by doing so, our development will be for our evolution, as it should be.

We must be the masters of our own fate, our destiny must be in our own hands, and it is time to reclaim that inherent right we have to self-determine our lives and by releasing and freeing yourself, you will be releasing and freeing all of us as one.

If each one of us takes back control, we then are in a position to make decisions on our own. Decisions by and for us, for us all, not for the few, not for the many, but for us all.

You can and will change the world we live in by taking control of your live, starting with yourself, then building it with your other self, expand it to your family, to your extended family, to your community, and from there you will reach everyone, everywhere. By taking control of your health, your food, your energy and your education, you are in full control of your life and what you want to do with it.

Taking control and being in control is only limited to what is within yourself; it has nothing to do with controlling what is outside, to those that are outside, to the contrary, to take control I must first know and accept myself the way I am.

From there I build what we want to be, who I want to be with, without controlling, without changing, just observing, walking besides, holding the space, supporting and encouraging, giving advise only when asked for advise.

The journey goes from within, being who I am to then be one with all.

To be yourself, you must not try, you must just be.

You must not try to please anyone, you must not try to control what you cannot control nor change, you should not care what others think of you, you must accept what comes with gratitude, everything is a blessing, you must release yourself from wanting and create your present here and now, you must be irrespective of what others feel for you, the more we try, the harder it becomes.

To be yourself, no effort is required in being, the effort must be focused in letting go everything you are not and refrain from trying to be something you are not. It is not about doing anything, it is about not doing, is is about being whom you are, loving yourself to love thy neighbour as you love yourself, without judgement, without expectation.

You need to take back control, for us all to take back control and regain control of our lives, of our present to have a future. Always remember that we are all one.

We believe so,


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