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We can unlearn, or not

I felt as though I was partly unlearning what I had never learned and yet knew so well: I mean, how to live (Albert Camus)

Wherever you happen to be is the result of your programming, combined with your experiences.

You may feel at ease, relaxed, curious, stressed, fearful, confident, confused, puzzled, desperate, anxious, and disappointed, or not.

Things are quite crazy, not quite the way they were supposed to be, are they not? The turn of events is not quite what you would have expected.

They were announced in myths, legends and prophecies, but our programming disregards myths, legends and prophecies to keep us aligned with facts, well documented history, telling us what they want us to believe to be that truth beyond reproach.

Centuries have gone by and those myths, legends and prophecies were never forgotten by those that kept them and now more than ever, they are brought back to light and are as current as they have always been.

Their stories (his stories) that are part of what we know as history does not feel as relevant as it was supposed to be, nor current. Why would that be?

We are given the choice to take the red pill, wake-up from the illusion and remember, or opt for the blue one and not be bothered, live in oblivion and conform with what we are fed as the truth.

The veil of illusion is falling and everything unravels to show us things as they are, beginning with our own selves.

If we decide to take the red pill, we go through an unlearning process to remember who we are, resetting our programming, reconnect with nature, beginning with our own true nature, and get the opportunity to live our life in synchronicity with the whole, as one.

If we decide to take the blue one, we will not be bothered, we may struggle with anything that does not conform to our programming, and there may be some suffering if others do not live to our standards of rightfulness.

It is never late to unlearn all that has been programmed unto our own self.

Unlearn, release, let go or do not.

Feel the bliss of living with your heart open and your mind clear from whatever you may have received, unlearn everything and experience everything for yourself, bring back the light from within and be guided by your own true self back home. It will be a joy to walk together back home.

Each and every experience in our lives happened for a reason in absolute perfection, for a reason that must be honoured, and understood under the lense of our own vision and not one we acquired from others or was subtly imposed upon ourselves, either directly or indirectly.

Unlearn and refrain from letting our learned ways of programming get on our way, or not.

Awaken from the illusion that we are living our lives and realise that our lives are being lived, or not.

If you take the red pill, you will remember and trigger the unlearning process.

If you decide to take this route, there is no coming back until you go down the rabbit hole, realise there no beginning nor end, no upside or downside, no I nor them, realise that we are whole, eternal, that we are all one.

I believe so and so it is/

Yo lo Creo

1 Comment

Mai Mai
Mai Mai
Jun 30, 2020

Red one it is ...❤️

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