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  • Writer's pictureMY HaySar

Use(ful) or Waste(fool)

Time, love, energy, ... life. What are they for? What to do with them?

We are either using, saving or wasting our time, love, energy, and with them our lives.

Time, love, energy, and everything that makes our life is there to be used and shared. That is how we show them the appreciation and respect they deserve, that is how we express our gratitude for having what we have.

We quickly dismissed the possibility of saving any of these, for considering that it is irrelevant to us to save anything that has been given to us. Saving what you have has no meaning nor makes any sense to us, as there is nothing to be saved from nor to save for. Savings for or from what?

It is a good trick and seems to be the "right" thing to do, as it makes sense to save something in case you eventually need it. It is something that is also convenient to extract us from living in the here and now, projecting our lives into a future that does not exist.

We are in the process of embracing uncertainty as it is and feel comfortable about it, clearly we understand that we come from a position of privilege, actually any discussion about saving anything comes from a privileged position as that is the only position in which you can even consider that possibility.

So, conscious and grateful for having what we have and everything we need, we shift our attention into using everything we have wisely and without any waste.

Time is limited, we are all dying, we all are, so today, tomorrow or any other given one day, we will be leaving this body. We do not see any use to be saving anything, but rather a compelling case to use all of it, without waste, without haste, as wisely as we can.

Everything we have and will ever have is not ours, we are just been given the opportunity, the task and the responsibility of either using it, wasting it (or saving it).

Considering that living is a short experience that goes fast and resumes into almost nothing but a mere blink, and maybe not even that, time is not be wasted but used. How we use time? Time is passing slowly or speeding ahead?

Time is also something we have created, it is a convenient product of our minds to extrapolate us from being in the here and now.

If we think about time, we are wasting it.

To the extent we are living in the here and now, we are using time.

The less we think about time, the more we use it.

If we are living in the past, we are creating a story, a narrative that may or may not be real, we do that to help us cope, give meaning or better understand our present. It is relevant but it is not real. It withdraws us from the only thing that is real, the present, the now. The past is gone, and no longer is and never will be.

The future may or may not be. Living in the future causes anxiety, expectation, creates frustration and to an extent has been killing us. The future is an illusion, a creation of our own making, it is not real.

The present is all there is, there is nothing else but the present. What is happening here and now is the only thing that is real, the only thing that actually is.

To the extent that we are fully present in the here and now, we do not need to worry about the future nor look back into our past, as they remove us from being here and now.

We may see in the present the past and may well visualise the future, there is nothing wrong about it, as long as you see it and visualise it being present here and now, as long as you see them for what they were or may be and not as if they were or are.

As soon as you remove yourself from the past that no longer is nor will be, and avoid trying to be in a future that is not and may never be, and you make yourself fully present in the here and now, the concept of time automatically disappears and you enter the everlasting presence, the eternal and the timeless that materialises once you are who you are, right here, right now, all the time, forever.

And what about love, energy, and everything that makes us being alive living this experience?

What are we doing with them? If we have them or if not have them? Why do we want them? What will we do with them?

Love is what I am, love is what we are, it is the essence of our beings.

Love is not something you can actually have, you cannot posses love, that is something different; and therefore, it is not something you can use nor waste, irresponsible to save it. Love is something that either you allow yourself to be or refrain from being.

So the question is: are we being love or are we refraining ourselves from being love?

If we think we can use or possess love and therefore, use it or waste it to our discretion, then it is simply not love but a misconception of what love may or may not be. You and only you decide if you want to be love or not, and it is within yourself, not anywhere else. The more you give love, the more love you have to give. We have an inexhaustible capacity to love.

Energy is what I am, is what we all are, is what everything is, as everything is energy.

With respect to the energy in us, the question is what are we doing with that energy? Where are we placing it? Are we using that energy to focus on what brings us to being love?

All the energy we have is there to allow us to be love all the time. As simple and as complicated as that may be.

We decide where we place the energy and how we use it and what we use it for. Whatever we think, we give it life through our creating energy. Whatever we talk about, we give it strength and force. Everything that is is because energy is creating it and feeding it.

Our reality, the way it is, is the result of our own creation.

Therefore, the importance of consciously using our energy, and that includes our thoughts, words, actions, omissions, money and any other form of energy in us or that we receive is the most important decision we can make everyday, all the time.

Whatever use we give to the energy that has been given to us and manifest within and outside ourselves is there to permit us being love.

The purpose of all the energy given to us is to allow us to be love. The more we use the energy to be love, the more energy we will have, and the more love we will be.

We are catalysers consuming energy to be love, that is what makes us grow. If we use the energy given to us to be anything else, we are just wasting that energy that has given to us, and our lives would have been wasted.

It is up to us to decide either to use everything we have and be love or waste it and be fools.

We believe so, and so be it/Yo lo Creo.


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