One is never afraid of the unknown.
One is afraid of the known coming to an end.
(Jiddu Krishnamurti)
I believed what I was told.
I believed that I knew something.
Now I know that I did not know anything, but simply believed what I was told.
I was afraid that my knowing was coming to an end.
I was afraid of realising that everything I believed was not true, that it was just an illusion.
Did I want to have the comfort and certainty of knowing what may happen?
Not really, I enjoy being surprised and receiving the gifts that the universe has for me.
I love finding out what it is that is there for me.
I was not and I am not afraid of the unknown, I love the thrill and excitement of not knowing.
I was holding to what I believed I knew, it made me feel that I knew.
Now that I finally unknew everything that I believed, I have been released from such a burden.
I am anew free to create and live a new present to have a future.
My present, my future. Our present, our future.
I now have unknown and therefore, am free to learn again from my own experiences, those from the past that got me here to live in this present moment, here and now.
I now know what it means to unknow, and I am not longer afraid.
I have crossed the black mirror of perceptions to awaken in a different reality, my reality, that in which I am one with the whole.
I unknow, therefore, I now know.
I believe so, and so it is/
Yo lo Creo