I do not love you with my heart and mind, I love you with my soul, in case my mind forgets and my heart stops.

Let me be mine, and thus, be yours.
Let you be yours, and thus, be mine.
Let us be one, and thus, be more.
Without me, there is no us.
Without you, there is no us.
Without us, we are not ourselves.
I see myself in you.
In you, I see myself.
In us, I see the divine.
With nous,
we know,
we recognize,
we accept,
we nourish,
we love.
With nous,
we serve as another self,
as us,
as thou,
I see you in us.
I see me in us.
I see thee in us.
We are one,
yet not diminished.
We are one,
yet not erased.
we are another self.
Three in one.
One in three.
A dance of being,
Yo lo Creo/
I believe, and so it is