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  • Writer's pictureMY HaySar

The Prophecy of Ardéche: Just Be, Doing Nothing

Updated: May 1, 2020

Ten months ago, back on 29 June 2019 a prophecy was revealed to us in Ardéche, France, when we asked what was it that we had to do to create the miracle that will revert the sixth mass extinction and hence, preserve human live on earth. The response was that we just had to be, and do nothing.

The message within the prophecy of Ardéche has remained deeply within ourselves and guides us in our live, it has become our motto: "Just Be, Doing Nothing".

We are thrilled to see how the prophecy of Ardéche has materialised and hereby share same with you, as it was originally written back in 2 August, 2019.

Humanity, throughout history, has sought to satisfy its needs and for such purpose, has found various forms of organisation, which have evolved according to regions, idiosyncrasies and religions.
The capitalist system that governs us today is unsustainable because resources and goods are finite by nature and people's desires are insatiable and therefore infinite due to the ambition that creates them.
This has led us to a crisis of the greatest gravity, which has already caused the extinction of various living beings and has put into motion the currently inextricable extinction of human life as we know it on this planet, which incidentally, is not ours.
The solution begins and remains in you and each one of us. It will not come from governments, companies, civil society, nor from others, since they all require firstly ourselves.
The solution is in you and it is enough for you just to want to be to actually achieve the miracle.
You are not asked much to restore order and contribute to the preservation of human life on this planet, the only thing you need is be and do nothing.
That is right, all you need is to be and do nothing.
Stop reasoning, stop thinking, stop doing, stop trying, stop going to work, stop going to school, stop consuming, stop coveting, stop using, stop pretending, stop aspiring, stop doing everything you're doing.
Remember who you are, go back inside yourself and be who you are meant and destined to be, for the simple mere fact of being yourself, without the need of doing anything for anyone.
That is right, just be yourself.
Doing nothing certainly implies that you cease doing and let go many things that you have learned to enjoy and that you like.
By doing nothing, you will free yourself from all these imaginary needs that you have created for yourself.
By doing nothing, you will stop consuming and will release yourself from the need to “generate” wealth and with it, you will free yourself from the burdens imposed by a system that apparently works for everyone, but is actually killing us all.
By doing nothing, you can be and fully develop your potential by exploiting your creative potential, co-creating with everyone.
By being, you will satisfy all your needs and you will realise that these are not that many.
By being, you will take care of yourself, all your relationships and those who cannot take care of themselves.
Certain services must be made available to all humanity, and cared for and preserved by us all; as long as their need is justified and they are made available to us all.
By being and doing nothing, we will commit the most radical act of self-love and collapse the current system that rules and controls us to live under a new system in which we will all be one, without having to do anything.
Create a world in which everything you need you share, eradicating consumerism; in which everything is invaluable and; therefore, nothing has a price; in which we all win and there are no losers; in which everyone is free to do what they want, without attachments; in which human beings just are, without having to do nothing to be.
I believe so


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