Walking in a forest is something that transforms you.
There is no way you can go through and come out indifferent. You may not notice, but it happens.
The more quiet your mind, open your heart, and lazy your spirit, the better. The noisier, the more time required to attune with the synchrony of the universe.
In that particular state, without even noticing, you unconsciously feel sprout within yourself sensations, remembrances, new impressions and even ideas.
They seem to appear out of nowhere. They came from within yourself, you are just remembering, you already know.
They waited that you silenced your mind and make enough time to listen to yourself, to your true self, speaking from your heart.
Without even noticing, your consciousness reads the messages left in this sacred spaces by those to which the forest was, is and shall ever be sacred, by those that came before you and honoured the forest sacredness, by those that the forest revealed itself.
The forest maintains within itself the spirit of those that live within: its sacred trees, rocks, springs, animals, birds, insects, fungi, soil, leaves, wind.
The forest is alive.
When we enter the forest, we are mere guests to the feast taking place within. We are part of the forest, we belong to the forest, we and the forest are one and the same.
We are all one.
No need to make an effort, nothing to do, just let the forest heal you, bring you to the here and now, silence your mind, while your heart opens, you do not need to be prepared to do any of this, you just need to refrain resisting yourself from doing to feel what it feels being.
As to the lazy spirit, that is up to you or to those who took you to the forest.
We believe so, and so it is/
Yo lo Creo
