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So ... Hum

Writer: MY HaySarMY HaySar

Updated: May 8, 2020

Wisdom is knowing I am nothing. Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves.

I am that by which I know I am.

(Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj)

Are we incomplete beings?

Do we lack something?

Do we always need something more?

Are we bound to be always looking for something or someone?

Must we live expecting a better future?

Or live in an imaginary past?

Is this our curse?

Are we flawed?

Are we damned?

Charles Baudelaire said that the devil's finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist (La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas).

The trick was not only to make us believe that the devil does not exist, but rather, to make us believe that there is no God or we are separate from God; or even further, to make us believe that we need "something or someone" to become one with God, and that "something or someone" is nothing but the representation of the devil himself.

We know this may not sound right to you, but before you tell yourself that you will never read anything else that we post in this blog ever again, please stay with us for a moment and let us explain what we mean by all this.

The only reason why we feel incomplete, we sense that we are lacking something, we are always wanting something more or we are seeing and looking for something or someone is because we have been persuaded that we are separate from the whole. That we are not all. That we need something or someone to become whole.

Therefore, convinced that we are not all, that we are incomplete, we find ourselves looking for "the one" looking for "something or someone" either in the physical or spiritual or mental plane, we look for it outside ourselves, as if it was not within ourselves, we look for redemption, for salvation, we want to be loved, to be needed, to be wanted, to be recognised, to be told what to do, to be guided, to belong, we are always looking for something or someone one way or another.

We definitely have been persuaded that God either does not exist or is not within ourselves, that we are not God itself, we have been persuaded that our divine nature is not such.

That explains why we desperately try to be completed, we may try eating more than what we need, buying things that is so much a part of our way of live, that we hardly ever notice anymore our buying just for the sake of buying; we drink; we numb ourselves for our own self-pity; we use others to feel pleasure or to make money; we control others to keep them to our side; we want to be wanted, needed, praised; we work hard because that is what we were supposed to do; we are always busy trying to be busy; we study to earn our way through live; we save to buy things, for our retirement, for something that we may or may not need but definitely want; we suffer, fight and struggle over money.

We definitely were persuaded, but and there is definitely a big BUT this time, it is now over.

We now know that a trick has been played upon us. We have called the bluff, we have faced our fear and turned it into love. The farce is exposed for all to see.

We all now recognise our own nature as divine and complete beings of love and light, silencing our minds, forgetting everything that we have been told, releasing ourselves from the control to which we were submitted, listening to our hearts and remembering who we are to just be, and by being: we are one with God, we are one with all.

We now remember that we are that we are.

We are all one with God, and God is within us to guide and protect us.

We always knew, it has been told to us in a thousand different manners; however, we had been tricked into believing that God is not within ourselves, and that we needed "something or someone" to be one with all.

Not anymore, just silence your mind, listen to your heart and remember.

You are that you are. You are all. God is within you, guiding and protecting you.

Funny isn't it, as it is ... So... Hum...

We believe so


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