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  • Writer's pictureMY HaySar

Show Up

Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen

(Brené Brown)

As simple as that.

As complicated as it is.

You just need to show up.

Your presence is all that is required.

You are enough.

Your whole being.

Not what you pretend to be.

Not what you think you are.

Not what you would like to be.

Without pretentions.

Without expectations.

Without resistance.

Just your being.

Being yourself.

Your own self.

Your presence is required.

That is all is needed.

Just show up and Be.

No regrets, no remorse, no agenda.

Nothing to do, nothing to say.

Nothing at all.

Just show up .

Being, without doing anything.

That is what showing up is all about.

As simple and complicated as it is.

Yo lo Creo/

I believe so, and so it is


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