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Writer's pictureMY HaySar

Sacrifice Everything

Updated: Jan 29, 2021

Sacrifice is nothing but the production of sacred things.

(Georges Bataille)

The time has come to sacrifice everything we have,everything we do, everything we are; every single moment, all the time, always and forever; to live in an eternal and perpetual state of sacrifice; living in sacrifice, here and now.

This is the ultimate sacrifice we will be making. It is the sacrifice required to change our lives for good.

Certain beliefs transformed the true meaning of sacrifice, and made us think it is something else. It is now time to give sacrifice its true meaning again and sacrifice everything.

Sacrifice means to make sacred. It comes from the Latin sacrificium, sacred + facere, to make.

Sacrifice does not imply nor (necessarily) requires suffering and pain, nor offerings of any sort. Sacrifice is not reflected externally, it manifests within ourselves.

We disconnected from what is, from who we are, from nature, our true nature, from the whole, from our relations, from our divinity. By ceasing to be connected with the whole, we ceased to make our lives sacred, we ceased to be connected with the divine in our lives, forgetting who we are.

Our ultimate sacrifice is making our lives sacred again, to be whole again.

By making sacred (sacrificing) everything we have, we will let go and release all that no longer serves us, we will receive with gratitude what has been given to us and only use what we require to live in "sacrifice".

By making sacred (sacrificing) everything we do, we will do everything for the better good, conscious of our actions and omissions, of our thoughts, of our words spoken and written, of our intention and their effect; we will live a fulfilling live of service, surrendering to what is to live in "sacrifice".

By making sacred (sacrificing) everything we are, we cease to be what we think we are to become whom we are, we cease to define ourselves by what we do, we recognise our intrinsic sacredness and we recognise the sacredness of all human beings, of all living creatures, of all our relations, we recognise that we are nothing without the rest of creation and connect with everything that permits us to live our lives in sacrifice.

By making sacred (sacrificing) everything all the time, we will have the opportunity of living a different reality to the one we have known until now.

It may hurt and be difficult, but that is not the meaning nor what we require to live in sacrifice, bringing sacredness into our lives, it is the consequence of shifting from our ego to our divinity, the more attached that we are to our ego and separated from the divine, the more it hurts and becomes difficult to let go and surrender to the divine.

Releasing ourselves from what our minds have made us think we are and what we have been told is the "right" thing goes against what we were told in our upbringing and it is hard.

We are ready to live a real faithful, trusting and fulfilling live listening to our hearts instead of our minds.

We are prepared to no longer live under this illusion and be free from certainty and control to embrace uncertainty and freedom to be one with all.

Letting go all that we though was real may be challenging, scary and painful. That is how it feels shifting from our minds into our hearts, evolving and moving from a state of survival and basic instincts separated from the whole, submitted to the will of our preconditions into a state of ascension of eternal bliss, guided by our intuition and our sacred selves, united and back into being one with the whole.

By making our lives sacred again, we will transform ourselves and everything that we touch, in a manner such that everything we have is treated sacredly, everything we do is done sacredly.

We recognise our sacredness within ourselves, being, here and now.

What makes our lives sacred is making everything we do, we have and we are sacred in our daily lives, all the time. It may seem more difficult than it sounds, but it is not, that is just your mind testing you (again), remember who you are and follow your heart, you already know.

We believe, and so it is / Yo lo Creo


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