The personal life deeply lived always expands into truths beyond itself.
(Anaïs Nin)

At a certain junction in our path, we get a chance to observe what was.
When we reach one of these moments.
We leave behind all that was.
We open a new path towards an ever uncertain future.
The past becomes clear now.
We now can see clearly that among all those choices, there was only one choice.
That choice was the one that brought us where we are now.
It may have taken us more or less to get here and now.
In any case, we would always end up here and now.
All those decisions, challenges, guides, experiences, emotions, feelings.
Under different shapes and forms.
Gave us the clues, the tools, to find our own path.
To arrive where we find ourselves now.
Looking back, we see the steps we took.
We can read the signs that appeared showing us the path.
We left pebbles to remind ourselves who we are, what we are here for and where to go.
Observe and find them.
There are deceptive, sometimes hidden behind appearances.
They might not be what you would expect.
At times they might inflict pain in you.
Pain wrapped in the most exquisite and pleasurable shapes and forms.
If you happen not to be observing nor paying attention.
Nothing to worry about.
They will continue appearing, again and again.
As many times as needed or required.
The shapes and forms shall change.
The message shall continue being the same.
In all case, it shall be with the same intention.
It is not until you have observed the message and learned the lesson.
That you shall have an opportunity to see them.
And when that happens, everything makes sense.
The unexplained is finally revealed.
And nothing shall ever be the same.
You shall forever be changed.
Yo lo Creo/
I believe and so it is.