There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
(Edith Wharton)

For some you will be a mystic.
For others you will be crazy.
For some you will be wise.
For others you will be misunderstood.
For some you will be a source of inspiration.
For others you will be a threat.
For some you are a friend.
For others you are a foe.
For some you are.
For others you are not.
You are merely a reflection of the state of mind of others.
Always be your authentic true self.
Without caring what others think about you.
There is no greater greatness in all existence, than the freedom to express yourself as you are, of being who you are.
Clean yourself.
Find yourself.
Remove everything.
Reveal your own nakedness.
Nothing to do.
Just being.
Find your own truth.
Not what others believe.
Be honest.
Be kind.
Be gentle.
Be truthful.
Do not deceive yourself.
Do not let others deceive you.
Quiet your mind.
Open your heart.
Live your own truth.
How does that feel?
What you will see is your own reflection.
A reflection of yourself.
What you will feel is your own beingness.
You are your own reflection.
You are my other self.
I am your other self.
A reflection of the same.
We are one.
We are Love.
Yo lo Creo/
I believe and so it is
Be Light, be the Water, be Earth, be Wind, be Fire, be you.