The earth is the very quintessence of the human condition.
(Hannah Arendt)

There are those walking unguarded,
abandoning the watchtower,
unbolting the doors,
fleeing their cages.
Their silence does not recoil,
their hands do not clench,
their breath does not catch,
at the mention of grief.
You cannot shrink in their presence,
because they complete you.
You cannot think in their presence,
because only love prevails.
You cannot hide from their presence,
because they are within your own self.
You cannot shift in their presence,
because you can only be oneself.
They met their light,
they met their shadow,
they met themselves.
They recognise,
they accept,
they love
with all their light,
with all their shadow,
just as they are,
they love themselves,
they love their other selves,
they are who they are,
as they are,
here and now,
pure love and light,
humans again,
being their own selves,
not as adversaries,
not as exiles,
but as the long-lost twins,
who were never separated at all.
Their scars are not secrets,
their wounds are not warnings,
they have given up the armor,
and now the world rests against their skin.
They do not brace,
they do not flee,
they do not wince,
they do not think,
they simply are.
They move like water,
folding into the river of things,
becoming the ocean itself,
never stranded,
never apart,
never still,
Wholly here,
wholly there,
wholly everywhere,
wholly whole.
United as one,
united from the heart,
united in the soul,
united and whole.
Complete from within,
complete from without,
complete from above,
complete from below,
complete and whole.
Yo lo Creo/
I believe, and so it is