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Writer: MY HaySarMY HaySar

We are living this special and long-awaited moment.

Although it has taken centuries for humanity to reach it, it is nothing more than a blink in the scale of no-time that governs the universe in which we have the opportunity to be manifesting.

We perceive and feel this new dawn, it is unlike any other we have experienced since we can remember, since that great flood alluded to in all ancient civilisations.

Everything we know has taken place in duality. Maybe not to all, but too many.

We have been raised in duality, it is what we know, it is what we learned, it is what we live, it is what we understand it, and for centuries we have believed that we are ruled and limited by duality.

Duality is so familiar to us, but so alien to what we are. Hence, there has always been something that attracts us, calls us, keeps us in that constant search to become one with the whole. We come from being one with the whole and we are on our way back to become one with the whole again.

So why do we live in duality and not in non-duality?

The prophecies, the legends that have been passed to us from immemorial time knew it, this ancestral wisdom has been maintained and continues being transmitted from generation to generation.

We can feel this duality in which we are manifesting ourselves and in which we live every day more charged, more extreme, more intense.

That duality and the force that it entails is transmuting into light and love, it is what happens when the opposites that form it are reconciled.

The stronger and more intense the separation and polarisation, the more light produced by the reconciliation of these opposites.

It is time of polarisation, since the conditions are in place to catalyse those opposites and transmute them into light; hence, opposites must emerge from their remote and hidden places, they must emerge to be expressed, recognised, listened to, and reconciled.

Opposites are being reconciled, we are doing it when we observe them, feel them, love them, listen to them, respect them, tolerate them, make space for them, all without judgement, letting them be what they are.

Opposites are being reconciled, when we see them not from our mind, that divides and separates, but from our heart, that unites and reconciles.

Today is time of polarisation, it is time for the opposites to express themselves, to come to light, for everything we have held to come out and release us from everything we believed in and imagined.

Today is time for opposites to express themselves and there is nothing better than polarisation for this to happen.

Today we see opposites everywhere competing to be observed, felt, loved, listened to, respected, tolerated.

Let us make room to observe and love the opposite sides of duality, without judging them, let them be what they are in order to transmute them from our hearts into light and love, to be one again with the whole, and ascend from this duality to the non-duality in which we are all one.

We believe so, and so be it/

Yo lo Creo


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