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  • Writer's pictureYHT

Until then

Updated: Jun 19, 2020

There are burdens that we carry,

until we let them go.

There are stories we believe,

until we wake-up.

There are sorrows that we hide,

until we let them come out.

There are limits we create,

until we awake.

There are fears that control us,

until we control them.

There are dreams that keep us awake,

until we live them.

There are things we cannot explain,

until we don't even have to.

There are veils that blur our vision,

until we remove them.

There are longings of those days,

until we live in the present.

There are expectations for what may be,

until I am content with what is.

There was nothing,

until we found everything.

There are them and there is us,

until we are all one.

We were two,

until we realised we are the same.

There was you and there was me,

until we became love.

We are love, we are one, with the whole,

we were since the beginning,

we are and we will be until the end.


1 Comment

Mai Mai
Mai Mai
Jun 12, 2020

Love we are ❤️

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