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  • Writer's pictureYHT

Poem: Oneness

Updated: Sep 14, 2020

There I was, and there you were.

With our own stories, beliefs, fears, insecurities.

Our minds did not mind, our hearts knew better.

The farther we went, the closer we felt.

While reading, we listened, we remembered.

Distancing ourselves, brought us together.

It did not made sense, it did not need to.

Nonsense, no sense, absolute perfection.

Young, crazy, certain and determined.

Listening to the one song no one else could hear.

Complete strangers committed to find themselves in each other.

Equipped with nothing but utmost trust and belief.

Blessed once, twice, thrice and quad.

Two split in three, where are thee?

This is not the end, nor the beginning.

Who are we?

Back to Albion to lose ourselves and find our true self.

Back to the centre, back to the source.

Who am I? Who are we?

Where are we going? Where do we want to go?

The music faded.

Who's that stranger in the mirror?

Paused. Ceased dancing.

Death. Reborn.

When death is upon us, something ends and something begins.

When we are reborn, we start over again.

Silencing, listening, healing.

Observing patiently.

Back here and now.

Cleansing, healing, remembering.

Diving deeply unto ourselves.

Looking that stranger in the mirror in the eyes.

Taking the dive, breaking the mirror.

Jumping into the void.

Remembering who we are.

Being who we are.

We are love.

We are light.

We are here for you.

To Love · To Serve · To Remember

The universe has our backs.

We trust and we surrender.

We now remember.

We recognise ourselves in the other.

We remember.

I am here for you.

You are here for me.

We are here for all.

We remember.

Our hearts know better.

Our hearts lead us.

Our minds are quiet.

Our minds serve us.

We remember.

I am you.

You are me.

I am that I am.

I am me.

I am you.

We are one. We are two. We are six.

We are one and the same.



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