The Vigil
Lovers cannot sleep
when they feel the privacy
of the beloved all around them.
Someone who is thirsty
may sleep for a little while,
but he or she will dream of water,
a full jar beside a creek,
or the spirit/water you get
from another person.
All night, listen to the conversation.
Stay up. This moment is all there is.
United in fierce love for our sacred Earth we joined the multi faith prayer and meditation vigil from 26 February to 12 April with members of the faith communities of XR Faith Bridge.
We joined with humility and compassion in lament for the climate and ecological crisis, for each and everyone of us to remember who we are, awaken from the illusion, to find the courage to take the urgent action that is necessary to protect our fragile and wounded world.
We spent in vigil 40 days reflecting, preparing and growing, a time when we acknowledge our failings and resolve to do better.
We joined the vigil because we felt this was something we (and to that effect, anyone) can definitely do, it does not require any special skills nor training, it basically only requires from you to do nothing and by doing nothing, you give yourself that space and opportunity to get out of all your selfishness and reconnect with nature, with your own true nature, and remember that we are everything and everyone, that we are all one; and by doing so, we just realise and understand through our own experience the climate crisis for what it truly is; a self-made humanitarian catastrophe, the result of our separation from our own true nature and from our ancestral wisdom.
We believe change comes from within, the 40 days of vigil was an ideal opportunity for each one of us to do nothing for a moment and take the time to reflect on where we are and what got us here.
It helped us reconnect and prepare for whatever changes we will need to make in our lives to restore the balance and become once again part of our true nature.
The vigil assist us in changing the manner in which we perceive things, and by changing our perception of things, everything changes.
If I change, everything changes. We believe so.
A vigil is personal, powerful and revolutionary in the sense that it changes you and by changing yourself, everything changes. It is non violent nor intrusive because it does not use any physical force and it has no intent of doing anything to anyone, it is all about ourselves.
By joining the vigil, we let the world know that we are here, wherever we are, we are present, we are committed, we are unstoppable, we are all one and change is coming, change is here, whether we like it or not.
The 40 days of vigil ended in a beautiful ceremony where we got to see in videoconference familiar, joyful and lovely faces of our fellow vigilant rebels.
We realised that the vigil that originally lasted 40 days has now become our permanent state of being, as the times require that it be so.
In vigil we shall remain until we transcend to a higher state of consciousness, until our metanoia.
Nothing and no one can stop us from becoming one with the whole.
This is unstoppable.
We believe so, and so it is/
Yo lo Creo.