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  • mjhayaux

Ode to an Unhappier Me

Updated: May 21, 2020

Somewhere in my sleep 

I gobbled down that tiny version of myself; 

the one that prayed to keep shrinking,

to exist as silence,

as nothing more than flesh and bone, 

a barren ground, to which 

everyone was welcome

at the price of any compliment.   

She was so weak, 

but she was so pretty. 

Sometimes, I look in the mirror 

and hope I spit her back out 

for, I didn’t know the price to pay 

for self worth, would be 

to feel so ugly 

all the goddamn time.

Some days, she cries out. 

Often loud enough for me to hear it. 

Sometimes, I gulp her down, 

as an afterthought, 

as a way to prove to her that 

I’m not that tiny girl anymore. 

But often, I cough fragments of her back up 

she’s stuck in my throat, seeking a way out.

She's not an extension of me, 

she is me.

I’m trying to learn to hold her, 

understand I will always carry her with me,

despite of how weak I may be.

Because today I wasn't weak,

and for now,

that's enough.



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