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No Nada

Writer: MY HaySarMY HaySar

Updated: May 25, 2020

Emptiness is not really empty; emptiness is full of everything.

The "everything" is just not manifest.

(Ram Dass)

We are peaceful and calm.

We stand at the threshold of the great dawn.

A new dawn, the first and the last one.

One step, one breathe and one day at a time.

We now know where we are going and we are not in a hurry.

We are not alone, we are in this together.

We are all walking each other home.

Meaningful coincidences take place at the right time, confirming that we are attuned with the whole.

We are nothing and have nothing. We are everything and have everything.

We are you and you are we. We are all one.

We are thirsty for the ultimate water. We are ready for what will come pouring from the spring.

By asking difficult questions, unexpected answers appear.

We embrace our darkness by shining, letting there be light.

We are awakening, leaving our old selves behind to be, just be.

The spark ignited our hearts and illuminates the path we must follow.

The path is nowhere to be seen, unless we close our eyes.

The words are not to be understood: whoever has ears, let them hear.

We are redefining our reality to create a new present and have a future.

We communicate differently, in the manners of the old ways.

We recognise ourselves in the others.

We let ourselves be surprised, while we are not, we are just remembering.

We listen and care, we care listening.

We resist the need to do and cultivate the art of being.

We let silence speak for us, and send our message through our hearts.

We observe with compassion, and without passing judgement.

We let it be, by doing nothing.

I am you and you are me. We are all one, we are in this together.

We believe, so be it,


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