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  • Writer's pictureYHT


Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.

(Mother Teresa)

I am happy for the rise in consciousness throughout the world as a consequence of the pandemic and the quarantine, both have contributed those lucky enough to be able to stay in quarantine, to realise the absurdity of various aspects in our lives.

It is now clear that the pandemic is not going -by itself- to wipe the human species from earth.

The concern has now shifted to the economic effects the pandemic will have in our economy, business, work, services we receive or provide, products we sell or buy, in our savings, overall in our and the economy, the upcoming recession, the urgency of getting people back to work, to resume production and consumption to get back to "normal".

The irony of this all is that going back to "normal" and living our lives like we used to, will in effect, inevitably, make earth inhabitable for humans, as we will go back to continue consuming all natural resources to produce more for less in our pursuit of this false illusion of eternal growth, by going back to spin the wheel.

Back to "normal" means going back to consummate the ecocide we have create. Global warming is not the cause, but the consequence of our actions and omissions, the climate emergency and the lifeless lives most humans live are just symptoms of an ailing earth savagely ripped and abused by a specie that just can't get enough.

Those at the forefront of creating alternatives to the current system that controls us, such as those that have visualised concepts such as circular economy, doughnut economy, degrowth movement, sustainability are experts in their fields and know much better than myself what they are talking about.

We are so much used to the way things used to be that most of these conversations and solutions are instinctively assumed to have to be implemented from those in a position of power by imposing this new vision and therefore, obeying same by submission.

What I mean by this is that -as some have rightly been trained to do that- they write papers, documents and essays and their efforts are focused on convincing governments to adopt a new model, a new system, to try their theories.

In each forum I attend, I end up listening that we depend and need someone to do something for things to happen. We are needy for someone to actually impose this new system upon ourselves for that system to work.

In order to create a new normal for everyone, we must start with ourselves and build it from the bottom up, it will never come from the top, and if it comes from the top, it will be reshaped to accommodate the interest of the few, before being imposed on the many, as it has always been, meaning it would come down to us as rain, hail or snow benefiting some, while hurting others.

The new normal will grow from the seeds that have been planted in each one of us, like everything that grows in nature, such seeds within ourselves that are sprouting when we remember who we are, that are growing roots, connecting us with everything and reminding us that we are all one, are about to make themselves visible to create the new normal we talk about.

It is time to get rid from our neediness and take back control.

To do so, we must start with ourselves and small groups with shared values, creating self-determined communities, each one of us must just put in practice a way of living according to our core values and in a sustainable manner.

It may seem more difficult than what it is, but we definitely can do it and we do not need anyone to tell us what we need to do, if it is imposed on us, we would have not learned the lesson.

If we truly want to change our present to have a future, it is up to us to do it freely and consciously as individuals and as part of a whole.

This quarantine should by now have given us the conviction, courage and trust that we needed to experience and understand that we have created our own superfluous necessities, that our basic needs are pretty much basic and fulfilled, that we are happy with what we have and not with what we need, and that gives us a much fulfilling live that what we ever dreamed of. Or do we not? Do we actually need someone to do something, in order that we do what we know we have to do?

This is what we really should be needy for, we should feel the need to be free and release ourselves from this system of control and imposition that we have created upon ourselves, where we are the ones feeding our own monsters with our lives, our energy, sacrificing everything for nothing.

Let us apply what works for us, with a higher purpose in our lives, to be who we are rather than doing what we have been told we should do. Knowing that we are all one, and we are in this together, like it or not.

We believe so,


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