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Writer's pictureYHT


Updated: May 11, 2020

You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you. Mother Earth is not just your environment.

In that insight of inter-being, it is possible to have real communication with the Earth, which is the highest form of prayer.

(Thich Nhat Hanh)

On this 10th of May as every 10th of May takes place the celebrated and revered "Mother's Day" in Mexico.

On this occasion, I salute all those transforming love into live.

Live emanates from love, it is a gift, it is a mystery, it is a miracle, it is a blessing.

Bringing live to earth is manifesting love in physical form.

It is a gift for all us to honour and enjoy.

Live is given and live is brought into existence in many forms, in all cases, all live forms are in essence love.

Women are sacred beings, the only ones with a portal capable of bringing souls from a different plane into live on this earth, they are connected to and in contact with the divine.

All humans on this earth have been brought into this world by or through a women. To all these that have been blessed with this task and decided to honour it, I salute you, with eternal gratitude.

Certainly, I am the most grateful to my mother for bringing me to be here in this world and to the mothers of all my relations, without whom you and I would not be having this conversation. All my love, all my gratitude, today and every day. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Mothering is so much more than giving birth.

Being a mother is transforming love by bringing it into live, and that takes as many forms as we can imagine.

Mothering is carrying with you the live giving water that all living beings require to live and survive on earth, nurturing the plants, the animals, other humans, mother Earth, nature itself, starting with your own, to give them live and from there, go nurture it all.

Mothering is nurturing, comforting, listening, protecting, caring, making space, it is loving it all, for us all.

Live is nurtured by mothering each and every form of live that gives us live and keeps us alive. By mothering any of these forms, we take the role of a mother to each and all of them.

Mothering one form of live is as important as mothering any other, we are all one and we are all connected. There is not one form of live that has preeminence to any other.

Mothering is a powerful word, and like watering, essential to preserve live.

Today, on Mother's Day, I connect with my divine feminine and with the source from where the divine feminine emanates, listening to what it has to say, asking for and following its guidance and advise, gaining consciousness of my role in watering, mothering and preserving all forms of live, beginning with my own, and living in love and balance with it all, in everlasting unconditional love.

I do this as an offering, in eternal gratitude to my own mother; to the mother of the four children we both raised and deeply care for; to mother Earth; to the mothers of all my relations; and all those mothering as a sacred duty, in service of them all; I do this offering as a personal act of everlasting gratitude for being alive, here and now.

I believe so,


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