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  • Writer's pictureMY HaySar

More than Words

Communication means sharing together, thinking together, not agreeing or disagreeing together but thinking, observing, learning, understanding together.

Both you and the speaker have to take the journey together.

(Jiddu Krishnamurti)

Our communication system through words has contributed to limiting our understanding of what is, by trying to explain things that just cannot be explained using words.

Each one has had unique experiences during its lifetime, the particular experiences we have lived have shaped us and the manner in which we perceive things.

Communicating is challenging by itself, it requires to express something unique with a limited number of words that have a particular meaning to the one expressing them, and then they are interpreted by the receiver based on its particular understanding of what those words mean to that person.

We have troubles communicating basic and simple things, we all have got ourselves into problems arising from miscommunications, haven't we?

Our lack of attention on what we say and how we say it contributes to the problem.

Finally, the defining factor to our misery is due to our lack of empathy deriving from our own assumed rightfulness and our outspokenness.

We are so busy listening to ourselves and imposing our truth unto others, that we have ceased to listen.

When the main purpose of our communications is defending our truth above anything else and converting others to our truth, controlling what the others must feel or think, assuming for a fact that we are right and there is no other truth than our truth; then, it becomes irrelevant to listen to what others have to say.

That creates situations and relationships that are based not on love but on fear, the fear of not being enough or right, not fitting, not pleasing, not belonging, or of hurting, fighting, or confronting.

We may end-up avoiding conflict and "playing the game" and having a fictitious relationship based on mutual fear, this kind of relationships are either inevitable, or imposed upon ourselves through a control structure that also makes them seem as inevitable.

In both cases, we must overcome the fear of saying what is right or not say anything to be ourselves with love and compassion. Listening to the silence of our voice and communicating with our hearts.

Then there are those that we feel intimate and secure enough to share our feelings, thoughts and experiences. We are also limited with a language that requires us using a somehow limited vocabulary shaped by the understanding of those words by both the one expressing them and the receiver.

With those we share a special soul connection, the barriers of vocabulary are surpassed with the love and empathy that we feel for them, which is expressed mostly by our being fully present and mindful of what they say, we are there to listen and serve them, their words do not come with the sounds that carry them, but directly from the vibration emitted from their hearts and soul.

In these cases, no words are needed to say everything that is needed to be said. We just can feel it, provided that we are silent and listen.

Those things we cannot express with words, we express them without words, in tears, laughter, bliss, joy, pleasure, rapture, roar, howl, embrace, cuddle, caress, rapture, with more than words, as words have no manner of letting ourselves express our feelings.

By limiting the possibility of expressing ourselves with words, we have lost the connection to the divine, sacred, holy, that that cannot be described nor understood, but only experienced.

Mistrusting people's capacity to make their own minds and follow their own hearts makes sense if I want them to be under your control and follow your truth.

However, that is not what we are here for, we are here to experience and reach by ourselves our own truth; we do it with others and we do it together, each walking at its own pace, all of us walking together on our own journey.

And we are together but not to follow nor be told what to do, because there is no teacher, no pupil; there is no leader; there is no guru; there is no master, no saviour. We are by ourselves in this path, we are both the teacher and the pupil; we are the Master; we are the guru; we are the leader; we are everything. Understanding this we transform everything that is.

Every man has the power to know God. There are numerous methods to find that power within ourselves and not one of them excludes the others.

There are no words that can describe the experience of reconnecting to be one with all, and it is not until we experience that by ourselves that we remember that we know and always knew.

It is only you, with your own free will that may experience wholeness, and such experience is only yours to live it within yourself.

Once you are whole again, it requires more than words to describe it: your live becomes the message.

We believe so,


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