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Writer's pictureMY HaySar


A mantra is basically a means of talking with your thoughts and feelings.

It's a time-honored method sometimes referred to as prayer, but really it's an opening of a conversation between the heart and the mind.

(Tsoknyi Rinpoche)

Magic formula that once uttered, entirely changes a situation.

Magic formula spoken in concentration, with body and mind focused as one.

Outspoken state of being.

Changing ourselves, as within, everything changes, as without,

Changing our perception of things, things change.

Change that reverberates, here, there, everywhere.

In manners we can not phatom, considering our perception of separatedness.

However, despite our perceptions, we are all related, we are all connected, we are all one.

And by all, I mean it all, all that is, has been and will ever become.

Not my perception of me, not your perception of you.

Our true selves, our unphatomable consciousness.

I Am, that I Am.

Ethereal thoughts transformed into material and conscious intent.

Be conscious of whatever you create.

What you wish.

What you utter in the deepest of your being.

Expect to receive what you attract.

Attract what you expect to receive.

Deal with whatever you attract.

Be compassionate with your perceived self.

Appease your controlling mind.

Elevate from your current state of consciousness.

Be generous with those around you.

Reflect your desire.

Develop a yearning for those around you, not just your kin, but the whole existence.

Become what you respect.

Recognise and be grateful with what you have.

Mirror what you admire.

Be who you are, without doing anything.

Be Love.

I Am Love.

Be Light.

I Am Light.

Be Loving Presence.

I Am Loving Presence.

Be Loving Awareness.

I Am Loving Awareness.

Be that you Are.

I Am that I Am.

ॐ नमः शिवाय

Om Namah Śivāya

Yo lo Creo/

I believe so, and so it is.


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