The stars once spoke to Man.
It is world destiny that they are silent now.
To be aware of this silence.
Can become pain for Earthly Man.
But in the deepening silence.
There grows and ripens.
What Man speaks to the stars.
To be aware of this speaking.
Can become strength for Spirit Man.
(Rudolf Steiner)

Not from here,
not from there,
not from anywhere.
Still present,
still conscious,
still connected.
The Stars,
The Signs,
The Symbols.
Three of a kind.
Mind and
for being alive,
for this incarnation,
to be honoured,
Feed the body;
Feed the mind;
Feed the spirit.
Not only one,
but them all.
How are you feeding your body?
How are you feeding your mind?
How are you feeding your spirit?
Here come the three mages.
To feed our body.
To feed our mind
To feed our spirit
To feed, not one,
but them all.
Honouring our sanctity.
Honouring our divinity.
Honouring our incarnation,
A gentle reminder to us all.
That all these gifts are for us all.
Only if we were to become human,
... again.
Yo lo Creo/
I believe, and so it is
Silence is where all answers are found, as there no words needed but existence to be experienced.
Me encanto!
Abrazote, feliz y próspero año, una vuelta mas a nuestra estrella!