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  • Writer's pictureMY HaySar

Little by Little

Here we are,


trying to be,

while doing stuff.

Whatever we think,

we say,

we imagine,

or we don't.

Whatever we do

or don't do.

Whatever we are

or cease to be.

Every little thing.

Has a meaning,

a purpose.

It might seem


We may think it is


They might say it is


It is not.

We are not.

Everything has a reason.

We are all part of it all.

We are,

what we believe we are.

We are not,

what we believe we are not.

Everything is within our own selves.


not without.

Our whole universe is in our hearts.

Everything that was and will be.

Here and now.

I believe so, and so it is/

Yo lo Creo


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