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Writer: MY HaySarMY HaySar

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

The Earth does not belong to Man, Man belongs to the Earth.

All things are connected like the blood that unites us all.

Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it.

Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.

(Chief Seattle)

Like water flows from the spring.

We sprung from the lands.

The lands that bore our forebearers.

They are not the same lands.

Even if these Lands all share the same Mother.

These lands are more than one.

Located in different continents.

We cherish them all.

Our blood has been stirred.

From the North to the South.

To the East to the West.

From the Stars to the Earth.

From all the directions.

From the Center of it all.

We expand in all directions.







It all.

No land belongs to us.

We are the one that belong to the lands.

They reclaim our presence.

They reclaim our love.

They reclaim our protection.

They reclaim our nurishment.

They reclaim our connection.

They feed.

They protect.

They nourish.

They quench.

They revitalise.

They recharge.

They connect.

They guide.

They remind us.

That we spring from the Land.

To come back to the Land.

We are guardians of them all.

We belong to them.

They are our Mother Lands.

Those that we belong to.

And those we do not belong to.

Not only one.

Them all.

Those that recognise and reclaim us as theirs.

It is not to us to decide.

She knows.

We must remember.

We must listen.

She decides,

nurtures the plants.

I listen,

protects the lands.

We take responsibility.

We assume our purpose.

We are Love and Light.

We are here for you.

We are Three as One.

With all the strenght,

with all their wisdom,

with all their might,

with all the courage,

with all the power,

with all the magic,

that our Mother Lands give us.

We are indigenous to these Lands, because we belong to them.

We are here to nurture,





quench our thirst,

be fed,



and marvel.

Yo lo Creo/

I believe so, and so it is.


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