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In Vigil with Secular XRs

Today we are closing our vigil with our brothers and sisters from all faiths and none.

We had a lovely week that started with the opening ceremony at the portico of Saint John's, and our procession to Downing Street, to a week in Parliament Square holding the space for each and everyone participating in one way or another in this September rebellion to preserve life on Earth, by changing our present to have a future.

This week was preceded by hours of preparation and dedication, and once it began, it came full of surprises, offering us all acts of bravery, generosity, solidarity, love and compassion, as well as acts of intimidation, aggression and control, full of fear and rightfullness.

Thank you to all those that made this possible and showed up to play their part.

Our gratitude to all those that participated in the vigil, whether in Parliament Square, in Cardiff, at home through the online vigil, and all those that paused to reflect and connect everyday at 9am and 9pm from wherever they happened to be.

Our gratitude with the meditators from all faiths, traditions and teachings for creating this bridge of faith, service and love allowing us together, to hold the space for all, to serve all those around us, and by being present here and now, being loving awareness, removing everything that does not serve us to cathalyse it into pure love and light.

We honour, love and respect each and everyone of you, your faiths, traditions and teachings. We learn from, we share with and we serve each and every one of you. We are all one.

We believe in the power of non-violent action, silence, stillness, contemplation, loving awareness, presence, prayer, chanting and ceremony.

We believe in oneness, holding the space, anchoring and sharing the light, being love, here and now.

We all have our own part to take in this ascent.

We place our trust in and surrender to love.

Love conquers it all.

This is far from over.

We shall remain in rebellion and in vigil, holding the space, anchoring the light, manifesting our connectedness and oneness through loving awareness until we are all one, until the balance has been reestablished, until we have reconnected with nature, our true nature and with nature as a whole. We shall do it everyday, all the time until we are one with the whole.

We are now in a constant state of vigil, holding the space, anchoring and sharing the light.

It is not us human beings that will save the planet, it is nature that shall save us all, and to be saved, we must refrain from doing everything we are currently doing to be everything we are meant to be, and to be, we don't need to do anything.

The time has come to create a world in which everything we need we share, eradicating consumerism; in which everything is invaluable and; therefore, nothing has a price; in which we all win and there are no losers; in which everyone is free to do what they want, without fear nor imposition; in which we all serve a higher purpose, in which human beings are, without having to do nothing.

We believe so, and so it is.


In Lak'esh

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin



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