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  • Writer's pictureYHT

If? When? Why? What?

Uncertainty knocked on our door and decided it was now a good time to stay for good.

We lived ignoring uncertainty for too long.

We fled uncertainty and found comfort under the illusion that we could and had everything under control, we were asked to plan and organise our lives, as if it was something we could do, provided we had the means to afford living the lives we had planned.

We lost touch with nature, our own uncertain and fragile nature, by separating from the rest and living artificially .

We believed that we had absolute control over our lives, that everything revolved around us, as if we were the father Sun.

With time, our need for instant gratification, with the certainty that we will get what we want, when we want, has aggravated and further separated us from what is.

We have developed an irrational fear for what may be or what is unknown to us, what may or may not happen to a future that is and shall always be uncertain, despite what we may think.

Uncertainty has become alien to us, and we are not being welcoming to its return into our lives.

Our faith is being tested, our confidence shredded and fear is waiting that we let her make its appearance.

We have too many questions. We find ourselves asking if? when? why? what?

We might as well wait forever as we will not be receiving any answers, these are not the right questions, they do not matter, hence any response to these does not matter either.

Too much noise, too much fear, too much information, too much ignorance, too much of what does not serve us any purpose and the lack of which might be useful rather than harmful.

It is time to trust and surrender to what is, welcome and be open to whatever takes us there:

It is what it is.

Whatever it is, will be whenever it is time for it:

Everything takes place in the here and now, there is no when.

Everything happens in perfection for a reason, trust and surrender to what is there for you, the whole universe has your back:

No need to understand, you already know, just remember.

We do not need to know, and it does not matter if it is due to our faith, our love, our trust, or our beliefs:

Surrender to the magic of everything that is there for you, just let it be.

I believe so and so it is/

Yo lo Creo


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