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  • Writer's pictureMY HaySar

If I Am, We All Are

As above, so below, as below, so above. As within, so without, as without, so within.

(The Kybalion's Principle of Correspondence; The Three Initiates)

Everything begins and ends within yourself.

Live was given to you and you were brought to live into this earthly experience by your beloved mother, you were dependent on others to survive, but you already knew everything you needed to be; you were perfect and complete; you knew how to breathe, eat, drink, you were fully present and pure love, just the way you were; your body did what it was supposed to do for you to be, for you to create your present and simply, be.

But then also started the inevitable experience of living in this body and "becoming" somebody, this happened in your time, this time, within or without a family, within a community or in a city, in a given country of this planet earth, under your own unique and particular circumstances.

Your live on earth gives you the opportunity to forget everything you have been told that has created your limited self, to remember again who you are, what are you here for.

Your adventure began upon your birth, wherever that happened and whomever you happened to be with; each and every experience in your live, since your childhood until today, including all those challenges and obstacles you have faced, events that have marked you consciously or unconsciously, opportunities and chances you have taken, paths that have been offered to you and decisions you have made; everything has shaped you into thinking that you are who you think you are; everything happened for a reason, a simple one, that you overcome all this and remember who you are; that is, that you forget who you think you are to remember that you are an inmortal being of light and love creating your own experience living on earth in this body, to become one with the whole, to be pure love by just being.

It is up to you to reflect and understand the reason behind everything that "happens" to you and how that contributes for you to be.

Nothing is a coincidence, nothing is left to chance, everything happens for a reason in perfection, in blessed synchronicity, that is how nature works, as you may see if you observe around. We happen to be nature ourselves, a part of the wholeness of nature, of the ecosystem and diversity of beings sharing this planet and as such, a minuscule part of universe within a blink of existence.

You were given the choices, you decided which paths to take and walked within such paths, each decision, each path, each experience takes you further away or closer to that you are here for. You may have done that consciously or unconsciously, it does not really matter. You can always change your path, you can always stop, you may have though that impossible, now you know everything is possible.

The only thing that matters is that you are here and now reading all this and whatever reading this makes you feel. Do you reject it? Does it ring a bell? Does it feels good? Does it makes you mad? Whatever you want to think is perfect, there are no right nor wrong answers, there is only what it is, and what is, whatever that is, is perfect. We are not trying nor want to convince you of anything, we are just sharing an experience.

The only thing that matters is that we are right here and now with you sharing something. We are grateful for letting us be with you right here and now. You can take from this whatever you want, it is up to you, as everything is.

Everything that has happened in your live and seemed effortless, all those decisions that brought you joy and peace -notwithstanding how difficult they were; those paths you took that you could not see, but could feel and became clearer with every step you took; those things that you cannot explain but understand, all those, the ones that scared you the most but brought with them this extraordinary bliss, not the most comfortables, probably the most challenging and difficult, but once the decision was made, everything seemed to conspire to make things happen the way they were supposed to be, and you just kept going.

This is how the natural harmony of being resonates and reflects in your live, this is the manner in which all things are, the galaxies, the stars, the planets, the plants, the trees, the sea, the sun, the moon, the beings on earth, everything that is meant to be in perfect harmony; expect us humans, we are the only one that must live in harmony consciously, it is up to us to think we are a separate self or surrender to what is and live within the harmony of nature, realising what we truly are and not trying to become something that we are not.

Everything that has happened in your life that has created suffering in you is a reminder that of which you need to work on, a reminder of that, that does not let you be, these are the clues to let you know what you need to let go to be able to live a different way of live to that you have lived before, in which you are release from suffering by not creating such suffering yourself, letting things be the way they are, enduring the pain and sorrow of living, and enjoying live for everything it gives you, without getting attached to neither the joy nor the sorrow, everything shall pass, nothing will remain, nothing is, nor is not, transforming everything into love as you only can; and it is all about yourself, everything to be is within you, no one and nobody can do anything either to harm you, nor to release you, nor to make you suffer, nor to free you.

It is you and only you that suffers or releases yourself from suffering, that holds on to or let go from any attachments.

There are reasons for all this, it is the manner in which we remember who we are and what we are here for, those are the clues and the path is always leading you inward.

We are all here to remember who we are and once we remember that, then we can be one with the others, in one way or another, to help each other remember who we are.

Until we remember that we are pure love and creators of our own reality, we will be disconnected, detached, separated from everything and everyone, we will be isolated in our own illusion of what we want, blinded to see what it is; lost by ourselves in hallucination as separate beings, feeling alone, lonely, vulnerable, fighting everyday with everyone to do, to control, to be seen, to be loved; full of rightfulness, anger and resentment; full of judgement towards "the others", wanting to change our environment, change others; telling right from wrong, what must be done and how to do it; all that we do is killing ourselves, and by doing so, we are killing everything and everyone around us. As within, so without.

In separateness there is no room nor space to create nor to be, our minds are so busy controlling everything and protecting ourselves. Now, protecting us from whom or from what? They are not protecting you, they are alienating you and preventing you from being who you are, and one with all.

Our goal consist not in doing something, quite to the contrary, doing and becoming has taken us to where we currently stand, there is no need to do anything, to become anyone, and to that effect to change anything nor anyone.

It is all within ourselves, about remembering who we are, about being who we are: being love, and one with everything and everyone.

If I am, we all are. Once I am who I am, we are all one. As within, so without.

We believe so,


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