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I Release (Yo Libero)

Writer: MY HaySarMY HaySar

(Based in the ancestral Mexican prayer of love, forgiveness, release, healing and liberation)

I release my parents from feeling that you did not give me enough or from believing that you have failed me. I love you and I thank you for being God's instrument to be here and now manifesting in this plane.

I release my children from the need to feed my ego, from wanting to satisfy the desires or goals that I did not fulfil for myself or from feeling compelled to make me feel proud. I ask each one of you to write your own story, based on your own desire to create, experiencing and bringing happiness to your hearts.

I release my companion from the obligation to make me feel complete. I am a complete being that needs nothing. Everything I need I have it within myself and my happiness depends solely on me. I learn and evolve with each of my relationships and if any of these has failed, it is because I have also been responsible that it did not work.

I release my siblings from any guilt you might feel for me, or for making you believe that you have hurted me, or if at any time I offended you, ignored you or denied you. At no time it has been my intention to live your lives, or hinder your experiences, or think that you could not do it well, or believe that I am better than any of you. I love you. I am aware now that you are doing the best that you can, and I am confident in your ability and strength to live the wonderful life that you have always dreamed of.

I release my grandparents and ancestors and all those who found themselves in order for me to be here and now, breathing life on your behalf, from the guilt of the past and from any unfulfilled desires, aware that everything you did was the best you could do to solve each of the situations that you faced, with the resources you had and from your level of consciousness at that time. I honour you with my life, by doing my best to have the happiest, worthiest, and most prosperous life I can. I love you and I recognise myself in each and every one of you. I contemplate myself before your eyes, and I express my gratitude and all my love so that you know that I do not hide nor owe anything more than being faithful to my own being and my own existence and doing so is my way of honouring you. What I learned from each and every one of you makes me who I am and allows me to walk the path of my life with wisdom, aware that I fulfil my own life project free from invisible and visible family loyalties, free from ties and beliefs that can disturb my health, my joy, my peace and my happiness.

I renounce the role of saviour and redeemer, of being the one who fulfils other people's expectations. I choose the path of learning only through love and being love, allowing everyone to be as they want to be and allowing myself to be who I truly am.

I bless the most expanded essence of my being.

I am love serving the light, a wonderful, splendid and remarkable being.

Through my unique way of expressing myself, even though there might be some who do not understand me, I express myself as I am, because only I have lived and experienced my own history, because only I know myself, because only I know who I am, because only I know what I feel, because only I know what I do and why I do it.

I accept, respect, approve and take responsibility only for myself and for myself alone, with love, acceptance, compassion and understanding.

I honor the divinity in me and in you.

I am your other you and you are my other me.

We are free to love each other fully here and now.

I love everyone, I accept everyone in my life and in my life experience.

We are all one.

It is done. It is done. It is done.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I believe so, and so it is/

Yo lo Creo


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