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I may and I can

Writer: YHTYHT

Living as an entity under a filled with stars sky and seeking for intuition, a voice whispers from your heart, for soul is unchained from whatever pulls it down, while what she is craving for is but only Ascension towards Divine

(Katerina Kostaki)

Impasse, numbness, distraction, uneasiness, exhaustion, an unnerving humpf.

Nothing goes, nothing comes.

Lack of motivation, senselessness.

I may, I can, I am allowed to.

Sunrise in the forest.

Surrounded by everything, and surrounded by nothing.

Listening to the silence that is telling me everything I needed to hear.

The wind speaks differently. It is not one wind, I have as many brothers as stars in the sky.

I hear them chatting, while they caress me whispering in my ear.

One speaks from one side, the others respond, here they are them all.

We are never alone.

Unless we think we are separate.

We are no one and we are all one.

The less I think, the more I am.

Ascending without doing nothing.

Pure alchemy in this chalice.

Being everything, without doing nothing.

I switch frequencies, I may, I can, I am.

I switch back and forth.

It tingles, it hurts, I feel it all.

I am all and I am nothing at all.

Done it is, here and now.

I step in and step back.

Back and forth again.

The waves bathe me.

Contraction and expansion.

The forest lovingly observes.

I trust her, I listen to her, she knows.

I know that she knows. She knows.

She comforts me.

Confirms that I may, I can.

I surrender and allow it all to be.

I am nothing and I am all.

We are all one.

I believe and so it is/

Yo lo Creo


Mai Mai
Mai Mai

Busy, busy doing nothing...nothing doing something.

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