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Grow down!

No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.

(C.G. Jung)

I have been told to grow-up numerous times during my live, most of them as a consequence of my childish and irresponsible behaviour.

When I was young(er) I anxiously wanted to grow-up, as it seemed that a number of things that I wanted to do were reserved that that older version of myself. I was also told to grow-up when I wanted to do things my way, out of the norm, when I acted too emotional, or allowed myself to be vulnerable.

I also used it against others, without really understanding what was it that I was saying, without knowing the kind of curse I was giving.

I used "grow-up" upon others, mostly from a position of authority: as an insult, as a warning, as a message of caution, as an unsolicited suggestion, as a manner to impose my assumed authority. How wrong I was.

Despite all that, my own particular circumstances made me grow-up faster than what anyone would have expected, including myself; simultaneously, I seemed to be in a hurry and a race against time, and I was rushing to grow-up as soon as possible. From such position, I felt more authority to tell others to grow-up, feeling myself empowered to lecture others from my own position as an early bloomer.

I have no regrets, and I am grateful and happy for the live I have lived; however, within my own journey, it took me a while to slow-down. I was speeding furiously in a race to nowhere, until something made me realise that what I really wanted to do was not to grow-up, but to grow-down.

By rushing to grow-up I was risking to be the first to arrive to that somewhere I was heading to, but I would be alone my myself when I got there.

The African proverb “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” had a tremendous impact in my live, and helped me remember and slow-down, change my path from growing-up to an inward looking path to grow-down.

So there began my journey to grow-down, a process to forget who I had been told and thought I was, to remember and be who I am.

A journey inward, to those places you do not want to go, to those spaces you prefer to hide, to all that you have hidden and buried, expecting never to see again, to your inner and most intimate self, that required removing my body armour and shield that maintained me protected during so many lives.

To grow-down I needed to make space, otherwise, it is very difficult and painful to go deeper, so lot of the work involved had to do with removing all that no longer served me, cleaning, cleansing and purifying all that I am, once that had been done, I could continue on my journey to grown-down, connecting, reaching out, expanding, and simultaneously healing, receiving, absorbing and transmuting.

That journey does not take you anywhere, it brings you back to be, here and now.

As any journey, you know when it began, but it never actually ends.

It is your journey and must walk it yourself, all those around you are there to help you make it through, you never walk alone and by going together, you get as far as you need to go.

I am grateful with all those that have been part of my journey, for all your help and support.

Recognising me in you was the key that unlocked all doors and left all windows wide open, my heart is safe and I am home. I am you and you are me, we are love.

You all know who you are. What a journey it has been! It is so good to be here now.

Growing-down has taken me back to my heart, allowing me to remember, see me as I am and see those for who they are, has permitted me to reconnect with nature, with my own divine nature, to experience being one with all, to understand that I am love in service of us all, that I am not alone, that I have the full support of the universe, that I am blessed and grateful for the opportunity to be here now, that our doing comes from a state of being, and therefore, that the only thing that I have to do is be, and there is absolutely nothing we need to do to actually fully be.

A pause was forced into our lives, to make the space to slow-down, grow-down and remember who you are. Take advantage of it while remaining open to experience the true meaning of growing-up. Be ready and enjoy the surprise.

I believe so,

1 Comment

Mai Mai
Mai Mai
May 16, 2020

Thank you for sharing the magic. Love you 😍

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