I do not at all understand the mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.
(Anne Lamott)

I was touched.
I was blessed.
It was a moment, in these times, of all times.
I had the opportunity to serve,
once again,
to be of service.
To be here,
to be there,
to feel,
to hear,
to drink,
to see,
to taste.
To love and be loved.
It was just a moment. It was just a glimpse,
as it always is,
just a glimpse.
And when you know,
when you remember.
It may seem to be too late,
although it never is.
I feel love.
I see love.
I am love.
We are love.
We are all one.
I believe so, and so it is/
Yo lo Creo