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Writer's pictureMY HaySar

Give up!

Updated: May 15, 2020

It is time for trust and surrender.

(MY HaySar)

The tide goes up and eventually goes down, and it will rise again, to go down, that is the eternal cycle of nature and as part of nature, we feel and live within this cycles.

When the tide is up and we take advantage of its power, we let ourselves be lifted, and provided we do not challenge the tide and flow with it, we use its power and energy to let it take us to the heights of the universe, where blissfulness resides, we trust the universe and we follow our hearts without hesitation, in full confidence that we are on our way to the highest we can be.

When the tide goes down, it is time to replenish, to recover our strength, to feel how everything recedes within ourselves, this is the time we feel most vulnerable, where the strength of the currents and flow may take us deeper into the water and make us feel breathless, where there is room for hesitation, to let our fears and mind take control and rather than letting ourselves also go with the natural flow of live, we fight and make strenuous efforts.

In both cases, the tide will go up and down, irrespective of what we do. The only difference resides on how we face the forces of the universe, do we flow with them and attune to their wisdom and perfection or we fight them over to try to control them.

It is even comical to imagine someone being able to challenge the laws of nature and win, there might be still some that think that is possible. It is not.

It is time to give up fighting with ourselves, with nature, with everything and everyone, to stop trying to control everything that happens and enjoy the mysteries of creation, to stop second guessing ourselves and trust that everything will be fine, enjoy the tide when it takes up knowing it will come down, and enjoying the tide when it goes down, knowing it will go up again, everything is temporary, nothing lasts forever.

Make the most out of this moment, it is the only thing that is real.

Trust that the whole universe has your back, it always had, it always will. Remember and surrender to the bliss of living in synchronicity with the whole universe, as one.

We are all one, we believe so,


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