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Writer: MY HaySarMY HaySar

Updated: Jun 23, 2020

It becomes hard and challenging to stay focused while you feel exhausted, when there are so many voices arguing and shouting.

The different sides are all out there, exposed, each convinced of their own truth and rightfulness, certain that there cannot be another truth than their own.

They all want you to pick a side, the pressure is such that if you do not take a side you are deemed to be against them, by doing so, they are implicitly imposing their truth.

The truth, whatever that truth may be, must surface. Each one must be allowed to express its own truth and shall feel free to do so.

We have seen more and more space being made for all to express their truth, there are still many that are silent, we wish they all take advantage of the circumstances and express themselves.

There comes what may be the real problem, putting aside the need to be given the space to express your truth. We certainly must be allowed to express our truth freely, however, that may not be confused on imposing same to anyone, we are just sharing our truth and as such, it must be respected and acknowledged, no need to agree nor disagree, nor even nod, it is what it is. The same when we are listening, we must listen and create the conditions for others to speak freely, just listening, no need to make faces, roll eyes, approve, nor disapprove.

The problem besides respecting the right of others to express themselves is in our rightfulness, that same thing that make us believe and act upon others by imposing our truth or rejecting that of others.

The foregoing is exacerbated when we deal with public matters where we all know better than anyone else.

It is a natural consequence of the duality in which we live in, and we may be inexorably compelled to pick a side, to join one band, to impose our truth to the world or release ourselves from that being imposed upon ourselves.

While we see those two sides arguing and shouting, there are some that are taking their seats in the stands to observe peacefully, curiously, attentively, compassionately. Taking all the rage and rightfulness from each side, catalising same and transforming that incompatible duality into oneness.

If you happen to feel that you are in the middle, resist the pull of taking a side and observe, focus unto yourself, your true self, not that to which you feel attached, not to the one that still believes in imposing its truth upon the others, in your true self that is above and beyond that duality, the one that is whole and just be yourself, just be, no need to do anything.

Focus, trust and surrender, and experience how we are all one.

We believe, and so it is/

Yo lo Creo


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