Have you found yourself? Are you being yourself?
By now you may have had some time to have reflected on whom you are, or might be in that process. It is not about who you think you are, or who you are supposed to be. Who are you?
Maybe you are not there yet; however, by now it may be clear that you know who you are not: you are clearly not what you do, and neither your name, sex, last name, religion or nationality are who you are.
All that and most of those things that you have been told during your live are not who you are, they are efforts to try to define what you look like, or what you think, believe or what you have been told to think or believe. None of those are you. I understand it has been a long time of believing all that you have heard, but that would be such a limited perception of yourself that it would be a pity if you were to not be who you are to be who you have been told to believe you are.
And then we go back to the subject of letting go, or as I was told yesterday, it is not letting go but rather, it is letting God.
So, if you want to be whom you truly are, you must let go of whom you think you are or have been told you should be.
Surrender to the bliss of finding and being yourself.
Yes, I believe that once you surrender to what is and let yourself be you find yourself in that existential bliss, like nothing else that you have experienced.
And that is just the beginning of the end.
Once that you have remembered who you are, life becomes a whole different experience, an infinite path where there is no end, the eternal cosmic dance in which you flow with the divine following the synchronic patterns of the sun, the moon and the stars with everything and everyone, to transcend your self-imposed limits to raise your consciousness, and fin yourself in the limitless space where miracles are produced, where you transmute fear for love and become the alchemist of your own live.
And that is the beginning of being. Finding yourself to be yourself.
Once you have found yourself, you are ready to be, and being, getting lost to only find yourself again as many times as required, until you cease to be yourself, to become one with all.
The only path to transcend your ego is by being, and to be, you have to do nothing, you just have to let ... God.