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  • Writer's pictureYHT


When you are tired, it is a sign that you are almost at the end of your fight.

Alone at last, and time goes fast.

Nothing to do, but rest.

Nothing to do, but heal.

My mind anxiously speeding.

My heart content with the healing.

My mind wanting answers.

My heart happy as it is.

Tired, but more than tired.


And here comes the mind, asking:

What is this?

Is this right?

What does it mean?

Is it about time?

Is this expected?

Was this unexpected?

Exploring, wondering, minding, preoccupied.

What comes next?

Is this the end?

Is this the beginning?

It is better?

Is it worst?

Somebody knows?

It is not a fight, nor a war, nor a battle.

It is a dance, it is survival and reproduction.

Embrace what is as it is.

Without fighting, without fear, without hesitation.

Surrendering, resting, letting be.

Becoming one, with the whole.

Loving everything within my own self.

Converting all that fear and hate into Love.

I now know why it is exhausting.

And let myself be exhausted.

Exhausting all the options.

Being reminded there is only one option.

And fate must fall upon us.

As it was written, and as it shall be.

I winkle to her with mischief.

I know that she knows.

We now all know.

Let us never blame the messenger.

Let us face our own destiny.

Look at her in the eyes.

And merge with her as one.

Yo lo Creo/

I believe so, and so it is


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