Life is a sum of all your choices".
So, what are you doing today?
We are shifting.
From within.
We feel it.
Expanding and transforming our reality.
The joy, enthusiasm, optimism we feel contributes to such a shift.
Let us all use this positive boost of love and light in our ascension process.
No time to confront, no time to give space to insults, no time for name and shame.
We always have a choice, we have been given free will.
Are we going to separate and divide or conciliate and unite?
Are we going to let others tell us what to do?
Are we going back to sleep or remain awake?
No one must tell us what to do.
You know that you know.
Remember, remember.
You already know.
We are solely responsible to create our present to have a future.
We are the ones we were waiting for.
We are the solution, and we have a choice.
We always have a choice, it is our choice, our election.
Not once every term, but every day, every moment.
Every choice we make.
Every thought.
Every word.
Every intention.
Every action.
Everything we do, every day is our election.
Our life is the result of elections we make everyday.
No one to blame, no one to follow.
Our shift comes from within.
As within so without.
There are no winners, there are no losers.
Everything occurs in perfection.
It does not matter who is in charge,
as long as you are.
Be love,
Be of service to the light,
Remember and be who you truly are.
I believe so, and so it is/
Yo lo Creo