Dissolution is the prerequisite for redemption.
(Carl Jung)

There is only one solution,
and that requires your dissolution.
Without your dissolution,
there is no possible solution.
It is not until you are dissolved,
that you evolve.
Your evolution is contingent,
on your dissolution.
Dissolving your created self,
permits to find your true self.
Hence, the solution is to dissolve,
recreating from anew.
Dissolving in a continuum,
continuously dissolving.
Once remembered,
dissolved again,
and again,
and again,
and again,
in this and other planes.
Without dissolution,
we stay the same.
Change is the only constant,
unless we are living death.
Nowhere to go,
nothing to do.
You will never Be,
until you stop being.
Stop trying to be who you think you are,
and just Be who you truly are.
Time to just Be,
without doing anything.
Dissolving whatever conception of what I may be,
to remember myself as the being I AM.
Solving the enigma,
experiencing metanoia.
Being Love,
dissolving the ego
with our shining Light.
I believe and so it is/
Yo lo Creo