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  • Writer's pictureMY HaySar


Eternity is a child playing, playing checkers; the kingdom belongs to a child.

Silly me.

Silly me.

Silly me.

Helplessly divine.

Without judgment.

Without reason.

Without discretion.

Mindless nonsense.

Not thinking,

not pretending,

not behaving.

Just being.

Free from conditioning.

Free from expectations.

Free from outcomes.

Being Light.

Speaking from the heart.

Speaking with the heart.

Speaking my heart.

Being Love.

Letting go.

Letting be.

Letting it all.


Absolute presence.

Loving awareness.

Eternal flow.

Here and now.

Empty from myself.

Full of thyself.

Stripped and naked.

Fully aware.

Nothing to do.

Nothing to think.

Nothing at all.

Being nothing.

Being all.

Playing the game.

Dancing the dance.

Singing the songs.

Being human.

Laughing of my own self.

Jovial at heart.

Spreading the love.

This is too damn important,

there is no way you can take yourself so seriously.

Just be,

without doing anything.

Yo lo Creo/

I believe, and so it is.


1 commento

19 lug

Resuena en mi corazón

Mi piace
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