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Writer: MY HaySarMY HaySar

Nature is the kind of friend that never leaves my side. Even in grief-stricken times in her soul I can confide.

(Angie Weiland-Crosby)

Wide awake at night.

Lost in my thoughts.

My back straight, I meditate.

Reflect on the suffering.

Suffering of loved ones.

Theirs that I also have made mine.

What shall I do?

What is there to be done?

Our beloved appears and responds:

Nothing to do.


Nothing to fear.


Everything is perfect as it is.

Do not get lost in your mind.

There is nor right nor wrong.

There is nothing to do.

Be Love.



Just Be.

Each one is living what they must.

Everything is perfect as it is.

You might think you have or you should.

But refrain yourself, as there is nothing you can do.

Even if you tried.

It is not up to you.

You might think there is something you can do.

Do not flatter yourself.

You have already enough to work on yourself.

Each on must do their own work.

Oh, yes, there is something you can do:

Trust that all is perfect as it is.

Trust that there is nothing to do.

Confide and thy will be done.

It is not about you.

My lesson is hereby received.

Time to work on me.

Trust. Confide.

Just be, without doing anything.

We are love.

We are here for you.

Not to do anything.

Just be.

Without doing anything.

And so it is, and so it shall be.

Yo lo Creo/

I believe so, and so it is


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