c. 1300, "one who accompanies or associates with another," from Old French compagnon "fellow, mate, friend, partner" (12c.), from Late Latin companionem (nominative companio), literally "bread fellow, messmate," from Latin com "with, together" (see com-) + panis "bread," from PIE root *pa- "to feed."
The Late Latin word is found first in the 6c. Frankish Lex Salica, and probably it is a translation of some Germanic word (compare Gothic gahlaiba "messmate," from hlaib "loaf of bread"). It replaced Old English gefera "traveling companion," from faran "go, fare."
The meaning "A person who lives with another in need of society, and who, though receiving remuneration, is treated rather as a friend and equal than as an inferior or servant" [OED] is from 1766.
I relate more and more as a companion to others, than something else. It is generic, it is unspecific, and it covers everything that I feel I am here for.
I am the one who accompanies or associates with others. I may be a good or bad companion, but companion nonetheless.
I may be there to tell you what you do not want, or what you need, or what you hate, or just be silent and listen. A companion nonetheless.
I am not here to be complicit nor complacent, I am here to be consistent and congruent with my own truth, not to impose same on anyone, but just share it with whomever may have an interest.
I am here to serve, to share, as a traveling companion. I live with others in need of society. Neither inferior nor servant, but equal to all.
I love sharing bread, and happen to be an excellent bread fellow.
May it well be that the reason I am here for is just be a companion.
I am reminded every day by my other self, my most trusted and intimate relation that I am a companion, in the best and the worst of times, in sickness and in health, in heaven and in hell, in reality and in illusion, in our good and our best days.
I announce myself as such to those I barely know, I am here to serve and remember and each companion is here to help me serve and remember.
As Ram Dass used to remind us; are we not, after all, just walking each other back home?
We are companions in this path back home. We may want to assume our role as such or walk on our own.
Whether we are companions or foes it does not matter, we will always have a companion walking near by, walking us back home, whether we know it, whether we are conscious about it, whether we see it, or not.
We may want to think we are more than that, whatever we think is not relevant, we are all companions after all, are we not?
We are all one, are we not?
We are just walking each other back home, are we not?
I believe so, and so it is/
Yo lo Creo
Compañeros de vida...❤️