The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.
(Marcus Aurelius)

Everything changes.
The days, the weather, the sun, the moon, the wind, the water, the elements.
Everything is in constant movement, changing.
Have you?
Are you?
If you change, everything changes.
Then, why bother changing others?
Why don't we concentrate on changing ourselves?
Is it this need to "help" others?
Is it our sense of rightfulness?
Too busy changing others.
Way much easier than changing ourselves.
Messing others lives, rather than taking responsibility of our own.
It is out of fear?
Or its our ego?
To change I must first remember who I am.
Then, honour my true nature.
Simply being, without doing anything.
Do you remember?
Do you believe it?
The only manner to change others is by changing yourself.
Nothing to do, nothing to say.
Change from within to become your true self.
Transform it all by changing yourself.
Nothing to do, nothing to say.
Just be true to your own inner self.
Let that inner self be.
While letting others do their work.
Speak your truth.
Listen to the truth in others.
Be love while shining light.
Like the star that you are.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
We are the change that we seek.
We are all one.
I believe so, and so it is/
Yo lo Creo