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Writer: MY HaySarMY HaySar

With confidence, focus and balance, we maintain ourselves in the centre.

From the centre, we observe and feel the forces around us swirling in fury.

We observe them tempting us.

We let them go through us, without engaging with them, without letting them stay.

We feel them, we respect them, we honour them.

They are not us, we are not them.

They are just emotions that come and go.

Emotions that move and shake, only if we let them.

We are not our emotions.

By loving these emotions and letting them be, they dissolve.

We love them and let them go.

We build our confidence and trust.

We maintain our balance, we hold each other and hold one another.

We surrender to what is.

We let each one be.

We connect with our inner light.

We shine our own light.

Feeling the gratitude for being here and now.

Mighty joy, mighty light, mighty love, mighty presence.

We are all one.

We find ourselves within. In the sole refuge of our souls.

Refuge that is sacred, unshakable, unphatomable.

The light of our heart.

The source of true love.

Our true selves.

We are love.

We are light.

We are one.

I believe so, and so it is/

Yo lo Creo


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