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Building common unity

Building community is to the collective as spiritual practice is to the individual (Grace Lee Boggs)

I find myself reflecting on the imperious necessity to get back to do whatever it was we were doing in a world of competition and survival of the fittest, where only the strongest survive and my body shivers.

Some are approaching the necessity as if there was no other option and that our current challenge is adapting and continuing doing what we have been doing all the time, but just by doing it differently.

However, we have been given this space, a unique and unexpected opportunity -for which I am extremely grateful- to spend time with ourselves and our loved ones with everything we ever need, not lacking anything, to slow down with time and space to reflect, contemplate and meditate on many things, from the most simple to the most complex, beginning with who I am? and what am I doing here?

A taster on being everything, while doing nothing.

There is no going back, whatever was shall never be again.

The future is unknown and has never been lived before, it is time to create the world we want to live in and visualise how it may well look like, it is time to start to live the life we want, it is time.

We are here to enjoy being alive, do what we want, create, love, share, explore, experience, surprise and be surprised.

I imagine a future in which we all dedicate our lives to serve others through our deeds in community.

No one should be required to do anything out of the necessity or be in a position that another controls you.

We belong to a community of beings interconnected with each other and with nature.

We must recover that sense of community starting with ourselves, we are a community by ourselves, once we are conscious of the community formed within ourselves, we can then expand our community to nature and other beings, it may well be your other self, your live partner, your family, and then the community continues expanding to outreach the whole planet and all our relations, from all kingdoms and ways of live, the old, eternal and advanced beings and those like us humans, the younger brothers in this plane.

To be a part of, and belong in a community, we must contribute to its wellbeing.

A community is formed of various individuals and the wellbeing of each member of the community translates into the wellbeing of the community as a whole.

It is a duty for each member of the community to be whole, to be well, to thrive, to take care of himself or herself, to be healthy, to take care of his or her body, mind and spirit, to be one and being one, be one with the rest of the community. To be self-determined to contribute and dedicate his life to serve.

A community takes care of itself, in the best and the worst of times, and it takes care of herself by having members that thrive serving others.

By serving ourselves, and serving our community, we all thrive together. Service is a fulfilling and rewarding experience to each and all.

A community is not based and shall avoid any form of relationship based on control, submission or obedience; to the contrary, it stands and is based in trust, cooperation, and collaboration.

We are one large community and it is now time to realise that, a community where each person is another you, where we are all one.

Remember, trust and surrender to your own common unity.

We are all in this together, whether we realise it or not, this is the time to become whole again, to find our common unity, the opposite of individual profit, to be all one again.

I believe so, and so it is/

Yo lo Creo

1 Comment

Mai Mai
Mai Mai
Jun 30, 2020

We are one!!! ❤️😘

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