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  • Writer's pictureMY HaySar

Black Lives Matter

We hear you,

We feel you,

We care for you,

We love you.

Black lives matter.

When you suffer; me, we, all ... suffering,

When you are hurt; me, we, all ... hurt,

When you are neglected; me, we, all ... negligent,

When you are discriminated; me, we, all ... disconnected,

When you are ignored; me, we, all ... ignorants,

When you are prosecuted; me, we, all ... guilty,

When you are killed; we all die.

Life does not matter, until black lives do.

Here we are, and we hear you,

We are here and we are listening.

Your life gives us life,

Our lives depend on you living,

Speak up, we hear you.

Your voice is our voice,

When you speak, we are all speaking,

To be silent is to be complicit.

When I love you, I love myself,

To love myself, I must love you first.

You are love, we all are love.

We are one and the same.

Nothing matters, until all black lives matter.

We believe, and so it is/Yo lo Creo


Take Action

Fight for Freedom, Liberation and Justice by signing up for updates, supporting the work of #BlackLivesMatter and other supporting organisations, checking their resources, following them on social media, and wearing dope, their official gear.



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